500 Lire IFAD 1998 - Value italian coin - Quanto Vale? è Rara / Comune? Gabrieur 4:52 6 months ago 710 Далее Скачать
500 Lire 1998 R - Italy | "20th Anniversary of the I.F.A.D." | Features and Update Price Saudi Boy Tv 8:39 3 years ago 223 Далее Скачать
Italy 500 Lire Coins worth a lot of money coins worth money! L500 value at auction! BBC Coins News 1:22 1 year ago 12 256 Далее Скачать
500 Lire IFAD del 1998, 20° Anniversario. Quanto Vale la Moneta? Monete di Valore 4:39 4 years ago 9 911 Далее Скачать
Italy L.500 Lire bimetallic coin worth A lot of money Rare Coins Worth money! Old Chillar 2:03 10 months ago 5 521 Далее Скачать
500 Lire 1978-1998 coin value and price rare Channel of rare coins and the lost antique 0:56 3 years ago 104 Далее Скачать
Italy 500 Lire Coins worth a lot of money coins worth money! L500 value at auction! Coins old world pk 2:50 10 months ago 6 699 Далее Скачать
€ 35000.00 if you have One for this Rare error coin 500 Lire coin Republic italy 1998 PCcoinstar 2:03 1 year ago 1 067 Далее Скачать
Error coin 500 lira,value and price rare. Channel of rare coins and the lost antique 0:58 3 years ago 259 Далее Скачать